Central Presbyterian Church
Jesus is the living Word of God to whom the written word bears witness
Central Presbyterian Church
The universe testifies to the majesty and power of its Maker
Central Presbyterian Church
All the earth will worship You and sing praise to You
Central Presbyterian Church
In the name of Christ in the heart of downtown Vancouver
by grace you have been saved through faith... it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast
Worship Services
Sundays, 10:15 to 11:30 AM at the Chapel, 1155 Thurlow, 2nd floor. A fellowship hour after the worship service
Latest sermon at Central
"Recognizing Liberation"
Numbers 11:1-6; 14:105
The Rev. Lucas Bruder de Oliveira
September 1, 2024
Prayer time at the Chapel
Wednesdays, 12:30 to 1:30PM. A time of reflection on life and Scripture, prayer and singing.
What's new at Central
Discover the latest news, ministries and activities at Central Presbyterian. Updated weekly.
We are rooted in the Reformed Theology and Tradition, holding to the authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, and salvation by grace through Christ. All that we do springs from this fundamental faith.
We understand that an important part of our mission is to share our space with other Christ-centred ministries and non-profit community groups in downtown Vancouver. We call it "stewardship of space." God blessed with a modern, spacious and beautiful church facility. We aim to share the space with other Christian churches.
If you are looking for space to do Christian ministry in downtown Vancouver, talk to us. We may be able to reach a plan.
Our leadership team includes three ordained ministers, a seminary student, and several elders.
The Rev. Dr. Victor C. Gavino
On December 1, 2023, Central Presbyterian with the approval of the Presbytery of Westminster appointed Victor C. Gavino as Stated Supply, effectively, the acting minister of the church.
The Rev. Beverley Shepansky
The Rev. Shepansky was appointed by the Presbytery of Westminster as a Co-Interim Moderator of Central Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Dr. Dale Woods
Rev. Dr. Woods is the Presbyter for Mission and Vision in the Presbytery of Westminster, B.C. Prior to taking that position in 2020, he was Principal of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, one of three seminaries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
1155 Thurlow Street
Vancouver BC, V6E 1X2
Tel. 604-683-1902