About us

We belong to the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Through a long process of unions that began in the late 1700s of the various streams of Presbyterian in Upper and Lower Canada, the Presbyterian Church in Canada was formally inaugurated on June 15, 1875 at Victoria Hall in Montreal, Quebec. The seeds of church union began to emerge at the turn of the 20th-century. After much debate over the next two decades, the United Church of Canada officially came into being on June 10, 1925. Many Presbyterians voted in favour of the union, but a third decided to continue the Presbyterian stream in Canada. This remnant from 1925 rebuilt and restructured and retained the denominational name “The Presbyterian Church in Canada.”

Read further: “Enduring Witness” by Dr. John S. Muir.

We are in the heart of downtown Vancouver across from St. Paul’s Hospital, stewarding our church building space, building partnerships with Christian ministries and social service organisations. Currently, we host First Baptist, Galilee Presbyterian and Christ Alive! churches. The Way Church maintains office space in our building. In addition to these churches, we also host the YMCA’s child care program and Alcholics Anonymous.

Central Presbyterian Church has been blessed with a fine facility. We intend to use this space for the mission of God in the city of Vancouver.

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