Central Worship Service – September 8, 2024

A community of Christ sharing God's Word, Love and Joy

The Rev. James Smith Chapel

Good morning, Everyone!  We are glad to have you joined us today.

Our Minister, The Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino, will lead the worship service and accompany the music on the keyboard for the hymn sings.  Additionally, he will preach today and his sermon title is "A lesson from the foreigner".  The scripture reading is taken from
Luke 17:11-19 (ESV).

We hope our service will uplift your heart and fill you with much joy and inspiration.


O come, let us sing unto the Lord

As of September 1st, from 11:15 - 11:30 am, we will have a sing-along time of your favourite hymns and songs.
What better way than to make a joyful noise before the worship service begins.

Order of Worship Service, September 8, 2024

      Note:  In the Order of Worship Service, whenever possible, a link is attached to the hymn/song title
             to the lyrics and a YouTube rendition of the music for learning purposes.

Session and Bursary Funds Appeal Sunday

The Session Fund is used for outreach ministry such as providing Christmas Hampers, supporting local charity organizations like the Vancouver Covenant House and Vancouver Poppy Fund, and for covering various expenses such as communion supplies, Minister's Synod travel/accommodation, Annual Congregational Meeting lunch, gifts and ad hoc items.

The Bursary Fund assists students of the Vancouver School of Theology in their studies to receive training, instruction, and education in Christian services.

Please consider designating some of your contributions to Session/Bursary Funds.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.

If this is your first time visiting Central, please take the time to sign our Visitors Book.  We would love to keep in touch with you.

Also, if you have a special prayer request, fill out the form and place it in the box.

Join us!

Following the service, you are invited to a time of fellowship in the Multipurpose Room.
The Fellowship Hour is a great opportunity for us to gather as a community, mingle, and
make new friends.

Beverages and refreshments will be provided.  Please bring a dish to share, if you are able.

Please note, that the clean-up will start around 12:20 to 1:00 pm, and helping hands are a welcome.

Wednesday Outreach Ministry

The Last Supper

Fun . Faith . Food

We have wrapped up the Bible Study with a potluck led by Dr. Afonso Issa.
Thank you everyone who attended for your participation.

We welcome Mr. Joseph Ragbir at Central church to begin his Theological Field Education on September 18, starting with a BBQ Party from 2:00 - 4:00 pm on the 7th floor Lounge.

The event and activities will be announced weekly.

Upcoming Preaching Schedules - Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino - Lead

September 8:  Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino
September 15:  Dr. Afonso Issa; Communion - Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino
September 22:  Rev. Bev Shepansky
September 29:  Rev. Lucas Bruder de Oliveira
October 6:  Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino; Communion - Rev. Bev Shepansky

    Upcoming Events

September 4, Wednesday:  Midweek Prayer Time with Dr. Afonso Issa & Elder Jim Young in the Chapel, 12:30 - 1:00 pm.
September 6, Friday:  Rescue Food Distribution in the Interface Room, 11:40 am - 12:30 pm. Bring your own bag.

September 11, Wednesday:  Midweek Prayer Time with Dr. Afonso Issa & Elder Jim Young in the Chapel, 12:30 - 1:00 pm.
September 13, Friday:  Rescue Food Distribution in the Interface Room, 11:40 am - 12:30 pm. Bring your own bag.

September 17, Session Meeting in the Classroom, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
September 18, Wednesday:  Midweek Prayer Time with Dr. Afonso Issa & Elder Jim Young in the Chapel, 12:30 - 1:00 pm.
September 20, Friday:  Rescue Food Distribution in the Interface Room, 11:40 am - 12:30 pm. Bring your own bag.


2024 Sunday Appeals

September 8 – Session Fund/Bursary Fund
October 6 – Thanksgiving
November 3 – Session Fund
December 1 – White Gift/Christmas Hampers
December 8 – White Gift/Christmas Hampers

Keyboard Player Wanted

Do you know of a keyboard player who would be interested playing
in our worship service?  Contact Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino.

2024 Next Communion Schedules

September 15 – Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino
October 6 – World Communion Sunday, 
                      Rev. Bev Shepansky
November 17 – Rev. Beverley Shepansky
December 22 – 4th Sunday of Advent, Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino

Volunteer Opportunities

Seeking a dedicated technical volunteer to assist setting/packing
up equipment before/after the Sunday service. Training will be
provided.  Contact Rev. Dr. Victor Gavino.

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