September 29, 2024, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Lucas Bruder de Oliveira; Liturgist: Kathleen Bolton
Sermon title: "Packing and unpacking"
Scripture text: Matthew 26: 36-46
September 22, 2024: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Beverley Shepansky; Liturgist: Dan han
Sermon title: "Come close to God"
Scripture text: James 3:13 to 4:3, 7-8a
September 8, 2024: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Victor C. Gavino; Liturgist: Maria Sportsman
Sermon title: "A lesson from the foreigner"
Scripture text: Luke 17: 11-19
September 1, 2024: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Lucas Bruder de Oliveira; Liturgist: The Rev. Beverley Shepansky
Sermon title: "Recognizing Liberation"
Scripture text: Numbers 11:1-6; 14:1-5
August 25, 2024: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Beverley Shepansky; Liturgist: Dan Han
Sermon title: "Spiritual Conflicts"
Scripture text: Ephesians 6: 10-20
August 18, 2024; 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: Dr. Afonso Issa; Liturgist: Kathleen Bolton
Sermon title: "The joy of understanding God"
Scripture text: John 16
August 11, 2024; 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart; Liturgist: Robert Beeksma
Sermon title: 'Church Olympics"
Scripture text: Hebrews 12: 1-3
August 4, 2024: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Victor C. Gavino; Liturgist: Maria Sportsman
Sermon title: "Sorrow and sighing shall flee away"
Scripture text: Isaiah 51: 1-16
July 28, 2024: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: Joseph Ragbir; Liturgist: Margaret McNaughtan
Sermon title: "Made well"
Scripture text: Mark 10: 46-52
July 21, 2024: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: Dr. Afonso Issa; Liturgist: Robert Beeksma
Sermon Title:"Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life"
Scripture text: John 11: 17-44
July 14, 2024: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Victor C. Gavino; Liturgist: Maria Sportsman
Sermon title: "Does love never really end?"
Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 13
July 07, 2024; 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: Dr. Afonso Issa; Liturgist: The Rev. Dr. Victor C. Gavino
Sermon title: "Weak but Strong in Christ"
Scripture text: 2 Corinthians 12
June 30, 2024; 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: The Rev. Lucas Bruder de Oliveira; Liturgist: Mr. Dan Han
Sermon title: “The Chronicles of the Vineyard: The Landowner, the Workers, and the Grace”
Scripture text: Matthew 20: 1-19
June 23, 2024; 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Speaker: Mr. Ian Rokeby; Liturgist: Maria Sportsman; Communion, the Rev. Beverley Shepansky presding
Sermon title: “Traveling with Jesus”
Scripture text: Mark 4: 35-41